Most expensive Dishwashers

I love cleaning and there is a part of that in all of us. Clean car, clean house etc, makes you feel better. I always feel happier driving a clean car and this also stretches to the kitchen when the dishwasher has finished its wizardry, you open the door to reveal shiny sparkling clean dishes and cutlery. It’s so satisfying, but maybe I’m mad? So what is the best dishwasher to get the best cleaning result – well I’ve selected a few of the more expensive models for you to check out.

The first dishwasher is the Miele G5500 SC, one of the best that Miele produces. It is a stunning free-standing unit that is available in silver or white. Extremely well engineered with a waterproof system; so it will not leak, 44db so very quiet on its cycle and rated Which? best buy model – you can’t go wrong. Looking to pay between £700 and £900 depending on the supplier, but this model will wash away the competition.
From another German manufacturer, Bosch, which offers some of the most economical, best built and best value machines on the market. They are all priced around the £300 marker, some heading towards £400, but are all excellent. Most offered are integrated, rather than free-standing. Any models, including the Avantixx, Classixx and the Exxcel, are all well priced and all will serve your best cutlery.
Other alternatives include a very handsome free-standing unit from Siemens, the IQ700. Awash with technology and various settings to improve the washing cycle and remain efficient. It’s a full size unit, big enough for any dinner party and will not lag under pressure, turning dirty dishes to diamond dishes in under 30 minutes. Can be found at a local Curry’s for £830 and for what you get, is worth the price tag.

At Stephen Graver, we are always on the look out for feedback about the best quality appliances. Have you got anything to share?!

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